Some people have lived most of their lives with ADHD without it ever being diagnosed. Then, with the onset of old age, the symptoms of ADHD may begin to interfere with the person’s quality of life and functioning. However, the diagnosis of ADHD in the golden years can be problematic as there are often co-occurring conditions. ADHD symptoms in seniors are often mistaken for normal signs of aging or are misdiagnosed as conditions common in the elderly like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Mild Cognitive impairment (MCI).
If an older adult or his caregiver suspects they have ADHD they can consult with a doctor. There are no diagnostic tools specifically designed for diagnosing ADHD in old people.
Read in this guide:
- Can you get ADHD when you’re older?
- How do I approach my doctor about ADHD?
- Does ADHD go away as you get older?
- diagnose ADHD for older adults online?