ADHD Treatment Options for Children
Medical Treatment Options for ADHD Children:
The most common type of medication prescribed to treat ADHD children over 5 years old are stimulants. Stimulant ADHD medications include Ritalin, Daytrana, Adderall, Focalin, Quillivant XR, Adzenys XR-ODT, Vyvanse, and Concerta. Some of these ADHD medicines are taken daily, others only on school days. Some stimulant medication is “instant release” while others have a slow-release, with the dose gradually releasing throughout the day. There can be side-effects and a low dose is usually taken at first. If stimulant medicines are not effective or causing too many side effects doctors may try non-stimulants like Strattera(Atomoxetine), Intuniv, or Tenex (Guanfacine) or Kapvay (Clonidine).
Therapeutic Treatment Options for ADHD Children:
Behavior therapy can be used to encourage or deter types of behavior in ADHD children. Positive behavior is rewarded and privileges are taken away when there is negative behavior. Parent Training in Behavior Management can be used to help parents modify their ADHD child’s behavior. Parents are taught techniques for improving their child’s attention and behavior. Psychoeducation encourages children to discuss and understand ADHD. Social skill training uses role-play to teach ADHD kids how to behave in social situations and how their behavior affects others.
Natural and Alternative ADHD Treatments for Children:
Establishing a structured daily routine and ensuring ADHD kids get exercise, good nutrition, and sleep can ease ADHD symptoms. Although not scientifically proven, natural supplements are often used to help ADHD children. Natural ADHD supplements include ginseng, omega-3, ginkgo, zink, magnesium, and passionflower. Alternative ADHD treatments include art therapy, meditation, yoga, specific diets, biofeedback, Bach flower remedies, and practicing mindfulness.